Utah Heritage Garden at Price
Location: Price City Utah Heritage Garden, 46 East 300 South, Price
Please contact unps@unps.org if you would like to help oversee the maintenaince of this garden and serve as a contact.
This 6,000-square-foot (!) garden was planted in the spring of 2000.
It incorporated five native plant community ecological types: Grasses, Desert Garden,
Penstemon Garden, Mountain Garden and Sagebrush Flat.
Mike Hubbard, former Price Chapter President, organized the
project. Design and implementation was helped by
technical assistance from the experienced members of the
Utah Valley Chapter. Price chapter members and citizens
planted the garden. Price City provided the land and
financial support for drip irrigation. Plants (1500 of them,
many donated) were produced by a variety of people and
organizations: UNPS members, USDA Forest Service
Shrub Lab in Provo, Thanksgiving Point Production
Greenhouses, The Center for Greenhouses, Wasatch
Elementary School in Provo (home to the first Heritage
Garden), and the City of Price. UNPS will help with
signage and interpretive pamphlets.