UNPS Chapters: Escalante

Currently inactive

East Fork Sevier high elevation meadow 7/12/08, courtesy of Maria Ulloa

Chapter Information
Chapter President General information Regular activities
Toni Wassenberg
The Escalante Chapter started in early 2004 and actively meets. For the chapter news and events, see the Chapter News section in the latest issue of the Sego Lily newsletter. Chapter members designed a Main Street beautification plan for the city of Escalante using native plants, and then planted and have since maintained those strip plantings.

Calendar of events
Date of the event Day of week Time Event description Contact(s) for further information
Apr 14, 2009
Escalante Chapter meeting
Speaker: Allysia Angus, GSENM landscape architect
Topic: "Effective yard landscaping, how to plant and when."
Harriet Priska
Mar 10, 2009
Escalante Chapter meeting
Speaker: Terry Tolbert, GSENM botanist
Topic: "Potato Valley Grasses."
Harriet Priska


Fall 2010 news

New officers of the Escalante Native Plant Society have been elected as follows:

  • Toni Wassenberg - President
  • Dana Waggoner - Vice-President
  • Robert Mcelaney - Secretary
Barker Reservoir 9/19/09
Barker reservoir hike, 9/19/09, photo by Harriet Priska

Local Weather
Weather here is milder than some surrounding areas. Here are monthly temperatures (°F).
January February March April May June July August September October November December
5-40 10-50 20-50 25-60 35-70 45-85 50-95 50-95 45-85 35-75 20-60 10-50
Annual rainfall: is 10-12"
Wetter Months: Jan, Feb. March, July, Aug, and Sept.


Chapter wildflower hike, Calf Creek Falls area
Photo by Harriet Priska
Calf Creek Falls hike Harriett Priska photo