UNPS Chapters: Mountain

Hesperochiron pumilus

Chapter Information
Chapter President General information Regular meetings/activities
Kati Hites Gyulassy
The Mountain Chapter represents UNPS members of Summit and Wasatch counties.

Calendar of events
Date of the event Day of week Time Event description Contact(s) for further information
September 23, 2022
Utah's native bees. Speaker Dr. Joseph Wilson. Kati Hites Gyulassy



The location of this garden has changed from its original location in City Park in Park City to the Summit County Library at Kimball's Junction, located just off Kilby Road. Take the Park City exit at Kimball's Junction, turn right on Kilby Rd. and then take the first left (across from McDonald's). The library is the first building on the left. Areas have been planted at the northeast and southeast entrances.

The garden has not yet been re-labeled until it has a change to improves and recover. If you would like more information about the garden and/or would like to help please contact Dave Gardner.

Past Activities

The Mountain Chapter planted a Heritage Garden in the spring of 2000 in the City Park.

See: The Park City Heritage Garden information