
About our posters: Both to increase public awareness and appreciation for Utah's unique natural flora and to help fund our efforts, the Utah Native Plant Society (UNPS) first published the very popular Utah Wildflowers poster in 1988 and later the Threatened and Endangered Plants of Utah poster in 1995.

These high quality, picture frame worthy posters can be used in a wide variety of settings and make a perfect gift. They are ideal for classrooms or school hallways. More commonly they find their way into offices, living rooms, dens, kitchens and generally anywhere that native plant enthusiasts and enthusiasts-to-be are known to occur!

Technical details: Both posters are full color works that contain botanically accurate illustrations by artist (and UNPS member) David W. Gardner with calligraphy by Pamela Johnson. The Utah Wildflowers poster is approximately 23"x34" and depicts 28 species. The Threatened and Endangered Plants of Utah poster is 24"x32" and contains 20 of our species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Images: Here are some pictures of our posters - what you see is what you get!

Utah Wildflowers poster
Utah Wildflowers
Example of the wildflower poster framed
High resolution PDF of the Utah Wildlfowers poster

Endangered and Threatened Plants of Utah
Endangered and Threatened Plants of Utah
Example of the endangered poster framed

Endangered and Threatened Plants of Utah, left, Utah Wildflowers, right
High resolution image of both posters

You do not have to be from Utah to enjoy one or both of these posters: From a plant admirer overseas:

This pair of posters is utterly ravishing and look wonderful when framed and hung on a Yorkshire wall.
-- LB, Saltaire UK

But if you do live in Utah: Show pride in your state by adorning one or more walls in your home or business with a Utah native plant poster!

Cost: The cost of the Utah Wildflowers poster is $15.00 each; cost for the Threatened and Endangered Plants of Utah poster is the same. Order both together and save $1.50/ea. UNPS members receive a $3 discount per poster, or if purchased as a bundle, $5. All proceeds are used solely to further the goals of UNPS which focus on the conservation and appreciation of Utah's native plant species (UNPS is a qualifying 501(c)(3) non-profit organization).

How to order: Order securely on our UNPS Store page and pay by credit card for fastest and most efficient handling of your order. If however you want to pay by check, use this link instead:

Want to buy but have more questions? Send us an E-mail at and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.