Utah Native Plant Society

Utah Native Plants Coloring Books


These coloring pages are affectionately dedicated to all of Utah's children and to their hardworking teachers

A Note From The Artist

I hope you enjoy coloring these Utah native plants. I have tried to give you an idea of what colors they are, but the best way to find out what the colors really are is to look at the plants themselves. And don't forget the background! Plants don't grow all alone--the places they grow and the other plants they grow with are called their habitat. If the plant grows in the foothills, look around: what colors are the foothills? What colors are the mountains? What colors do you find in the desert? Don't be afraid to use your imagination. I hope you will make friends with these plants as I have while I was drawing them.

Bitsy Schultz
Utah Native Plant Society

Why Use Botanical Names?

Many plants have colorful common names--but sometimes the same name will be used for more than one kind of plant. The botanical name tells you exactly which plant species you are talking about. Botanical names consist of two words: The first one tells you the genus, or what general group the plant belongs to. The second word tells you the species, and gives you a specific kind of plant. Plants belong to larger groups called families, which include kinds of plants that are related to each other. For instance, the Pea family includes Utah Ladyfinger (a milkvetch), garden peas, sweet peas, beans, sweet vetches, and some other plants that all have complicated-looking flowers and make their seeds in some kind of a pod.

Bitsy Schultz
Utah Native Plant Society

We have included a guide to pronouncing the botanical names, other people may pronounce these names differently since some of the languages used to form botanical names (e.g. Latin) are no longer spoken. Other ways are also correct.

C o l o r i n g   B o o k   # 1

The original coloring book, includes 18 plants to color, 20 total pages. Now in PDF format.

Right click on the link and select "Save Target As" or simply click to load the file directly.

C o l o r i n g   B o o k   # 2

Includes 12 new plants to color, 14 total pages. Sego Lily, Utah Juniper, Gambel Oak, Cottonwood and Quaking Aspen are here! PDF format.

These additional coloring book pages were drawn in order to correspond with the Utah Department of Education's Core Curriculum requirements for 4th grade science. Funding for this additional effort was provided by grant money received under a Utah State University Extension youth education program.

Right click on the link and select "Save Target As" or simply click to load the file directly.