UNPS Meetings and Articles
UNPS selected presentations
- The Orchid and the Missile Paul Cox, UNPS SL Chapter Meeting, Dec. 9, 2020 presentation (video)
- Utah's Giant Dunipers Bill Gray, UNPS November 2020 annual meeting presentation (slides) and ( video )
- Pinyon and Juniper Forests through a Cultural Lens: Listening to Traditional Ecological Knowledge Kamran Zafar, Mar. 3, 2020 URPM 2020 presentation (slides)
- The Uinta Basin Railway: A Threat to Rare Plants Ryan Beam (CBD) and Tony Frates (UNPS), Mar. 3, 2020 URPM 2020 presentation (slides)
- Native Bee Conservation and the Dangers of Honeybee Permitting on Public Lands Thomas Meinzen, Mar. 3-4, 2020 presentations (slides)
- Native Plant Use in Horticulture Neal Dombrowski, Feb. 5, 2020 presentation (slides)
- Shooting Great Plant Photos in the Field Steve Hegji, Jan 8, 2020 presentation (slides)
- Pinyon-Juniper Communities in Utah Stan Kitchen, Dec 4, 2019 presentation (slides)
- Vegetation of the Pando Clone Aspen Forest Marc Coles-Ritchie, Nov 7, 2019 presentation (slides)
- Getting to Know the Sunflower Family (Asteraceae) Greg Lee, Oct 2, 2019 presentation (slides)
- Botany Bill on the Hill Sept. 4, 2019 presentation by Wayne Padgett (slides)
Selected Articles from Sego Lily Newsletter and other sources
- Utah Basilares (variety comparison table referenced in the Winter 2019 Sego Lily newsletter published Jan. 2019)
- Utah Cyperus (full table; first published in the Jul-Aug 2016, page 22 Sego Lily newsletter)
- To Sow or Not to Sow by John Stireman (as published in the WRGS newsletter of Feb. 2016)
- Utah's Opuntias (First draft published March 2012; last updated April 2023)
- Penstemon grahamii (originally published Dec. 2008, updated through Oct. 2016)
- Naturally occurring rare oak hybrids along the Central Wasatch Front provoke thought and respect (Nov. 2008, with updates)
- Arctomecon humilis conservation history
- "Goodrich on Badlands" by Tony Frates (first published in the Nov/Dec 2004 Vol. 27 No. 6 Sego Lily newsletter))
- "Gardening with Utah Natives: A Beginner's Guide" by Susan E. Meyer and Bitsy Schultz (first published in the May/Jun 2001 Vol. 24 No. 3 Sego Lily newsletter))
- "Rare Indeed!" by Bill King (first published in the May/Jun 2001 Vol. 24 No. 3 Sego Lily newsletter))
- The Sego Lily in its 20th Year: A Look Back" by Tony Frates (first published in the May/Jun 2001 Vol. 24 No. 3 Sego Lily newsletter))
- "Wacky Weed Warriors on the Warpath" by Susan Garvin (first published in the Sept/Oct 2000 Vol. 23 No. 5 Sego Lily newsletter))
- "Now We Are Ten: Utah Heritage Garden Update" by Susan Meyer (first published in the Jul/Aug 2000 Vol. 23 No. 4 Sego Lily newsletter))
- Goals and Objectives of the Utah Native Plant Society by Stan Welsh (first published in the March 1979 (pre-Sego Lily) re-printed Sept/Oct 1998 Sego Lily newsletter))