Utah Native Plant Society

Sego Lily Newsletter

The Sego Lily, the newsletter of the Utah Native Plant Society, is published quarterly and contains articles of interest as well as announcements and news of current society activities. The Sego Lily was a members only publication until September of 2007 at which time newsletters were made available here for viewing by the general public. As a member however you receive automatic notifications of the latest newsletter, along with other membership benefits. Support our mission by joining or renewing.

On December 23, 2008 and in celebration of our 30th year, the full set of all UNPS newsletters ever published was made available on the access page.

Sego Lily publishing schedule: formerly the newsletter was published on a bi-monthly basis, but starting with the May 2014 issue is now quarterly. If you would like to submit an article or an upcoming news event for possible publication in the Sego Lily or have a suggestion for a possible newsletter topic relating to Utah native plants, please e-mail us at newsletter@unps.org

Here are deadlines for paper submissions (preferably sooner):

  • February - article deadline Jan 15
  • May - articles deadline April 15
  • August - articles deadline July 15
  • November - articles deadline Oct. 15

Access the latest and prior issues at Sego Lily Archive

Drawing by Kaye Thorne (UNPS, 1981)

June 9, 2008 Copyright 2008 Tony Frates

Kaye Thorne pencil drawings for Sego Lily logo (click to show)

These pencil sketches by Kaye Thorne (botanist, botanical illustrator and early UNPS board member) found in our archives are believed to be from early 1982 (best guess; possibly from late 1981). Barbara Halliday was at that time the newsletter editor. The artistic sketch referenced as "1" was selected. The newsletter was called the Sego Lily starting with the January 1982 issue; the new masthead with Thorne's drawing first appeared in the June/July 1982 issue.

Learn more about Utah's state flower

© 1981 Utah Native Plant Society. Utah's colorful natives. Illustrations by Kaye Thorne. Text by Duane Atwood and Kaye Thorne. Salt Lake City, UT: Sun Lithographing Company. 8 pp. (unpaginated). Funded by UNPS, State Arboretum of Utah, University of Utah Lallapalooza, and Children's Art Discovery Project.