Utah Rare Plants Meeting
Utah Rare Plant Meeting: March 4, 2025
When: On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9am to 4pm
Schedule: Presentations will begin at 9am. You are encouraged to come socialize with us from 8am to 9am.
All registrants will be sent the Zoom link a week prior to the meeting. Please provide us with the email address of each participant.
If the person paying for the event is different than the participant(s), please explain that in an email to urpm@unps.org.
For Zoom participants, we suggest logging in 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Where: Natural History Museum of Utah, Swaner Forum, 301 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT
$30 for in person with lunch and beverages;
$10 for in person without lunch;
$15 for students and presenters (included lunch and beverages);
$10 for Zoom only (net proceeds go to the UNPS Small Grants Fund).
Hosted by: Utah Native Plant Society and Garrett Herbarium, Natural History Museum of Utah
Who should attend: Anyone, including researchers, students, Federal, State, local agencies, consultants, and the public are welcome to attend and present. If you are interested in presenting, fill out this form .
Register: See on-line registration below. Participants can pay at the door, however, space is limited and cannot be guaranteed, and lunch options may be limited or not available the day of the meeting. Students must be currently attending school on at least a half-time basis to qualify for the lower rate.
- a PayPal account is not required. Just click on the Pay with a Debit or Credit card at the bottom of the screen (after clicking on Continue) to use the guest feature.
Groups: you can indicate the quantity after clicking on "Pay now" - in the comments section please indicate the attendee names and any special lunch requests; or email us the list of attendees separately at urpm@unps.org.
Submitting Presentations
Here is the form to request a presentation slot.
Presentations (slides with photos and brief text) should be 15 minutes or less, and will be followed by about 4 minutes of Q&A.
Abstracts are due February 15. Live presentations are recommended; pre-recorded presentations can be used if needed.
After the meeting, all presentations will be available on the UNPS YouTube Channel .
Poster presentations are welcome. Here is the form to request a poster presentation slot.
Use the email address urpm@unps.org to reach the Rare Plant Meeting organizers (Lydia and Marc).
Directions to conference:
Natural History Museum of Utah directions
Park on the west side of the building (not in the Red Butte Garden's parking area)
and enter through the lower door. There are no parking fees. Walk up the stairs to the right
of the entrance (do not pay an entrance fee) or use the elevator to your left. Proceed to Level 5
(top floor) via elevator/stairs. Click on building map below.